We are a husband and wife team - hand-making everything you see in this shop!
Back in 2007, the economy was starting it's downward spiral - and I lost my great corporate job (controller for chain of indie music stores). I was determined to forge my own future, being 50 yrs young and knowing how hard it would be to find the perfect job again.
I began by making tote bags with upholstery remnants. Hit the craft show scene and loved being able to search out fabrics and turn them into handy market tote bags. Super sturdy and helpful to eliminate using all those horrible plastic grocery bags!
Promised my husband I could make this work (and even promised to not buy shoes/bags/extra fun stuff!) and would even clip coupons to help save money as I built my small business.
I found that the coupon organizers I bought were cheap paper or plastic. Some were set up that made you sort soup and frozen food in the same section! Searching ebay, amazon, and the internet turned up nothing else that worked or looked better, just more cheap plastic/vinyl and those big ugly binders!
We have now made over 60,000 handmade coupon organizers, totes and mesh bags! This success allowed my husband to join the business and retire from his field of welding - yeah! no more climbing high buildings and doing dangerous work!
We are the original and premier maker of this style organizer! Funny that something I started to do just to save money is now making me money and allowing me to sustain this ever growing business!
My organizers have been featured in national publications and news reports. Couponing communities have been incredibly supportive and helpful in the development of exactly what is wanted and needed for the best couponing system for many.
Added to my line next were reusable sandwich bags and mesh produce bags - we are very committed to using as little plastic as possible, and encourage others to reduce their throw away plastic use!
Update - the world of couponing has changed drastically over the years. What was once a very thriving business has been down significantly due to the addition of couponing and store apps - lots less people clipping coupons since they can more easily do on their phones!
This gave me new time and the chance to explore a favorite craft, crocheting! I have loved sliding back into this handcraft, something I learned as a child and always loved. I also weave, and my loom is now back in my living room. The discovery of how fun it is to create coiled rope baskets and hanging planters has brought a new level of creative joy and I keep VERY busy at local farmers markets all summer and craft shows for the holiday season!