By day I sew coupon organizers, wallet organizers, market tote bags , reusable non paper towels and other eco friendly items to reduce plastic and single paper waste in your home!
I then get to unleash my creative side with fiber arts - using crochet, dyeing and weaving to create one of a kind art scarves, shawls, hats, vases, bowls and other home decor items.

Coupon Organizers for the Beginner to the Extreme!
With 4 different sizes and styles I make a coupon organizer for every level of coupon!

Eliminate and Reduce the plastics and single use paper waste in your home! I have a full line of products to aide you -all handmade by me!

When I'm not sewing, I crochet, weave and felt! I love the freeform style and creating unique one of a kind pieces. I have an ever changing array of bowls, clothes, hats, scarfs, garlands and seasonal items.

Hand Dyed and Fabric Wrapped Cotton Bowls & Planters
Catch all bowls - home decor - planters - trivets - coasters. I love to play with dye, fabrics and yarns to make one of a kind coiled rope items. Love to do custom work based on the colors YOU prefer!

Looking for something a little different? All kinds of fun options for business, events and home decorating!